Modificación de la banda de autobús A-5 entre Móstoles y Cuatro Vientos por quejas

The Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility, led by Óscar Puente, has changed the appearance of the A-5 BUS LANE between Móstoles and Vietos to improve the mobility of private vehicles and facilitate public transportation circulation.

This lane has been subject to complaints from neighbors and mayors in the area, considering that traffic problems were more severe. Now, the ministry has changed its appearance to start after the M-50 connection with Arroyomolinos with the aim of «facilitating the movements of entry and exit of private vehicles.»

Additionally, the department led by Oscar Puente allowed direct access from the roadside to this bus lane to facilitate the incorporation of public transportation services.

«The ministry has improved the route where it is finishing the implementation of the bus lane in the A-5 section between Móstoles and Caatro Vietos.

Móstoles and Alcorcón say that the construction of the bus lane turns their municipalities into a mouse trap

Controversies on social media

This model modification comes after a clash on social media between the Minister of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility and the Mayor of Móstoles, Manuel Bautista (Pages). The councilor from Móstoles posted on social media «X» a photo of a blockage on A-5 accompanied by this message: «This is the daily for Mostoles residents to endure the bus inventory.» A complaint that was echoed by platform users.

In response to this, Puente also, through social media, reminded the mayor that the «invention» of the A-5 bus lane was «a request from the Madrid community.» In his message, the transportation secretary displays the report from the Regional Transport Consortium in Madrid (CRTM), which requests the bus lane on A-5 in Móstoles.


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