Alcorcón intensifies surveillance at Parque Lucero due to illegal dumping

The Alcorcón City Council has tightened surveillance on the Parque Lucero industrial estate, located between the A-5 motorway and the Villaviciosa de Odón road, due to a «significant increase» in illegal dumping, especially of rubble, in recent weeks.

This was stated by City Councilor for Citizen Security, David López, who announced the implementation of a new joint action plan to tackle the rise in illegal dumping at various points in the town, a situation that is particularly «dramatic» at Parque Lucero.

«Certainly, there is a behavior in this area where many people are possibly engaged in renovations or minor construction works, renovations in homes. We have detected that this is one of the points where illegal dumping is taking place,» emphasized the City Councilor for Citizen Security.

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In Parque Lucero, besides the Swedish multinational Ikea, several construction material retailers like Bauhaus or Obramat are established, making it common for them to come to this area, illegally dump rubble, and then proceed to purchase new materials.

«In the month of February so far, the Municipal Police has already carried out 8 interventions related to this type of dumping, totaling 14 since the beginning of the year. Many of these incidents have occurred around the Parque Lucero industrial estate,» highlighted López, who has deployed the Drone Unit to enhance surveillance.

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With drones, local agents can, from a distance and discreetly with zoom, observe if there is any suspicious vehicle attempting to dump rubble in the area. The zoom capability allows them to get close enough to detect license plates and even faces with great clarity.

«One thing must be clear, Alcorcón is not anyone’s landfill and we must act accordingly, we need to prevent, raise awareness among the entire population, and, above all, act decisively when necessary,» reiterated López.

Three council departments and a public company in Alcorcón will try to curb uncontrolled dumping

The main objective is «to try to deter this behavior and raise awareness and inform the entire population that we are taking action and it should not be done,» emphasizing that «penalties should be the last resort for us as a municipality

Therefore, another key aspect of the campaign will be to «raise awareness, explain to all residents of Alcorcón and to all companies involved in renovations that there are waste management services available, at a relatively low cost, and through these actions, address and report this situation.»


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