The city of Alcorcón has launched a new training project to Prevent and detect Situations of sexual violence Made by children and adolescents from educational centers.
According to data from the Council of Europe, it is estimated that 1 in 5 children has suffered or will suffer Childhood sexual abuse While in Spain, according to a study by ANAR Foundation Between 2008-2019, almost 60% of the victims are girls, with a higher incidence at ages 5 and 15, and the most common aggressor is the father.
It is estimated that 1 in 5 children have suffered or will suffer childhood sexual abuse
This latest study also indicates that 5% of the abuses are detected by educational professionals And it is estimated that over half of known abuse cases are not self-reported.
Detention of a basic soccer coach in Coslada sought sexual abuse and assault against minors
Multidisciplinary Commission
In the past year, a Pilot project has been developed in three primary education centers and two nurseries, with the participation of 153 teachers, which will be extended in the first semester of 2025 to all educational centers in the city.
Detention of a basic soccer coach in Coslada sought sexual abuse and assault against minors
This activity consists of a training session through didactic material built collaboratively by the institutions participating in the Commission (social services, primary healthcare, educational guidance team, and early intervention team).